Master of Divinity in Ministry Studies



75 credit hours

Program Length

as few as 28 months


Nationally Accredited by ATS


神学部研究硕士课程将为您提供全面的圣经神学知识和在各种情况下领导部所需的实践技能. Through a personalized curriculum, 该课程为学生在当地教会有效地传道做准备, 与准教会组织或传教机构合作.

CIU’s Master of Divinity will enable you to:

  • Analyze and synthesize the basic content, context and themes of the Old and New Testaments, with an emphasis on God’s historical-redemptive mission, 正如圣经的元叙事所揭示的,并在大使命中得到体现
  • Practice 对圣经原文进行正确的注释和阐释, 重点是文章如何在个人和企业背景下谈论当代问题
  • Engage 当代全球挑战正统的信仰和实践基于支持的关键圣经段落,巩固基本教义, 将全球基督教历史的见解应用于21世纪的问题, needs and challenges
  • Analyze 文化和世界观从圣经的角度作为有效的基础, 以圣经为背景的事工,装备和鼓励他人在教会中成长为门徒和门徒制造者, mission field and/or marketplace
  • Apply biblical principles, techniques and paradigms to the practice of leadership, pastoring, preaching, teaching and counseling
  • Demonstrate 通过M .获得的部门和组织知识、技能和态度的熟练程度.Div. 在现场导师和指导老师的指导下进行重点实习


CIU的哥伦比亚圣经神学院为你的教育提供了一个福音派的背景,并与来自广泛福音派教派的教授一起实践学习. 教师是熟练的教师和学者,他们优先支持和鼓励他们的学生.


你准备好把你对事工的热情带到下一个层次了吗? 澳门新葡京网站的神学部研究硕士课程是为您量身定制的,为您提供各种各样的部角色, 无论是在当地教会还是在教会组织中. By enrolling in this program, 你将踏上一段变革之旅,这将使你对他人的生活产生重大影响. 

Comprehensive Ministry Preparation:

Throughout your course of study, 我们训练有素的教师将指导您发展有效事工所需的基本知识和技能. From pastoral care to preaching, leadership to counseling, 您将获得对事工的全面了解,并培养卓越服务所需的能力. 

Personalized Learning:

我们认识到每个学生都有独特的事工兴趣和愿望. 这就是为什么我们的项目提供广泛的选修课程和专业轨道, 让您量身定制您的研究,以配合您的部或兴趣的特定领域. Whether you are passionate about youth ministry, missions, discipleship or any other ministry focus, 我们将为您提供资源和指导,以培养您的呼召. 

Engaging Academic Environment:

澳门新葡京网站,我们优先考虑你的学习经验. 我们的教师不仅知识渊博,而且对你的成长和成功也有很大的投入. Through interactive classroom discussions, practical assignments and mentorship opportunities, 你将参与到超越理论的有意义的学习中, 准备你在现实世界的事工环境中应用你的知识. 

Flexible Credit Transfer:

如果你已经开始在另一个机构的硕士课程,并决定完成你的M.Div. 在澳门新葡京网站,我们提供了转换相关课程学分的灵活性. 这可以让你建立在你以前的学术成就的基础上,并简化你获得硕士学位的道路.Div. degree. 

By pursuing an M.Div. in Ministry Studies at CIU, 你将加入一个充满活力的社区,由志同道合的人组成,他们对服侍上帝和改变世界充满热情. Whether you envision yourself leading a congregation, 从事跨文化事工或寻求其他事工机会, our program will equip you with the knowledge, 在你的呼召中茁壮成长所必需的技能和属灵培育. 准备好踏上一段改变的旅程,这将塑造你的事工,并为荣耀神而影响生命. 

Featured Faculty

What Will I Study?

In addition to the Master of Divinity core, you will take courses such as:

  • INT 6110 Foundations of Internships

    本课程旨在作为其他INT课程的先决条件. 你要为实习做准备,制定一个清晰的学习计划,了解实习的期望, responsibilities, 以及与实习经历相关的活动. 你必须在开始实习之前完成这门课程. 在注册本课程之前,您不需要确保实习.

    0.00 credit hours
  • INT 6217 Focused Internship I

    In this course, 你将提高你在事工和组织知识方面的熟练程度, skills, 在现场导师和指导老师的指导下,通过重点实习学习获得的态度. 每门课程包括至少120小时的直接事工经验. (1.5)

    1.50 credit hours
  • INT 6218 Focused Internship II

    In this course, 你将提高你在事工和组织知识方面的熟练程度, skills, 在现场导师和指导老师的指导下,通过重点实习学习获得的态度. 每门课程包括至少120小时的直接事工经验. (1.5)

    1.50 credit hours
  • MIN 6536 Management Essentials for Christian Ministries

    In this course, 您将学习在当地教会和准教会服侍所需的组织和管理原则. 在课程结束时,你将会创造出完成你所服务的事工的使命和愿景的项目/活动和行政文件.

    3.00 credit hours
  • LDR 6011 Conflict Management and Negotiation

    Students will develop skills related to the principles, processes, 以及冲突管理和谈判的技巧,并将配备创新的谈判策略,以便在谈判桌上脱颖而出,并制定有效的冲突解决策略. 学生还将学习圣经原则来解决冲突.

    3.00 credit hours

Admission Requirements

  • completed application
  • 确认你是基督徒并同意CIU的观点 Statement of Faith
  • 已完成学士学位的正式成绩单 * +
  • 任何研究生水平课程的正式成绩单 +
  • essay (approximately 800 words)
  • church leader reference

International applicants also need:

  • 提交下列标准化英语考试成绩之一:
  • 完整的教育背景表格(在提交申请后提供)
  • 资金证明表格(提交申请后提供)

Accreditation and Accolades

ATS (The Association of Theological Schools)
ABHE (The Association for Biblical Higher Education)

Career Path Opportunities: 

  • Pastoring a local congregation  
  • Serving as an assistant or associate pastor 
  • Leading a para-church or campus ministry team 
  • Leading an outreach or discipleship team 
  • Leading a marketplace ministry team 
  • Discipleship ministry director 
  • Next generation (or family) pastor 
  • An executive in a nonprofit organization 
  • Administrative leadership 
  • Pastoral staff 
  • Small group leader  
  • Teaching pastor 
  • Church planter 
Can I take this program residentially, online or both?

Columbia International University’s M.Div. 在部研究是完全可用的,无论是住宿或网上. All required courses are offered in both formats.

As a residential student, 你将受益于与教授和其他学生的密切互动, 建立可以支持你一生事工的人际关系. Classes are designed around block schedules, 如果你在工作或服事的同时还在上课,你的灵活性是什么. 如果住校学生愿意,他们可以选择在线学习课程.

As an online student, 您将受益于在有意学习社区的背景下促进学习的课程. 我们认识到,不是每个人都能背井离乡到神学院去. For this reason, all our courses are asynchronous. 这允许你在学习课程的同时继续在你所在的地方工作和服务. At the same time, 你将有机会与你的教授和同学进行定期的在线会议, if you so desire.

This program is also offered in the Competency-Based Theological Education format, 在经验丰富的牧师导师的指导下,在学生事工的特定背景下提供正式的神学教育.

How long does it take?

Residential courses follow a 16-week semester format, with two semesters per calendar year (Fall and Spring). Thus, 住宿学生可以在大约三年的时间内完成这个课程(全日制), 每学期修读三门课程)或五年内修读(兼职), taking two courses per semester).

Online courses follow an eight-week term format, with six terms per calendar year (Spring 1, Spring 2, Summer 1, Summer 2, Fall 1, Fall 2). 在线学生可以在大约两年的时间内完成这个课程(全日制), 每个在线学期选修两门课程)或大约四年(兼职), taking one course per online term).


Competency-Based Theological Education (CBTE) students may take residential, online and CBTE courses, 每年可以注册六次,并在短短28个月内完成课程.

When can I start this program?

住宿课程遵循16周的学期形式,每年有两次开始. 春季学期从一月开始,秋季学期从八月开始, with a break for summer in between semesters.

在线课程的学期为8周,每年开课6次. Every eight weeks is a new start, meaning there are two online terms offered each spring, summer and fall.

Competency-Based Theological Education (CBTE) 学生遵循为期八周的学期形式,每年有六次开始. Every eight weeks is a new start, meaning there are two online terms offered each spring, summer and fall.

How much does it cost?

CIU’s Master of Divinity is economical and affordable. Visit Tuition and Fees for detailed costs. Competency-Based Theological Education (CBTE) students have a different scale. Check the CBTE page for details.

Am I provided with Bible software?

Yes, upon enrolling in your first course, 您将收到一份专业级别的圣经软件, 为你在哥伦比亚圣经神学院的学习定制的. It is yours to keep upon graduation.


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