Coping with grief 和 loss through the 圣经的权威

旧约教授博士. 迈克尔里昂(左)和Dr. 约翰科兰驰菲尔德 (Photo by Jonathan McGaha, CIU Student Photographer)

Coping with grief 和 loss through the 圣经的权威

Coping with grief 和 loss through the 圣经的权威

旧约教授博士. 迈克尔里昂(左)和Dr. 约翰科兰驰菲尔德 (Photo by Jonathan McGaha, CIU Student Photographer)


By Br和on Lee, CIU Student Writer

Columbia International University’s annual 圣经的权威 Week had a different feel to it this year. Instead of inviting a guest speaker to expound on the CIU core value, each session consisted of a discussion panel featuring CIU professors. The week’s overall theme centered around coping with grief, loss, suffering. It was a fitting message in light of the unexpected deaths of CIU students 约翰亨特詹姆斯特丽莎·沃尔夫, 体育总监达伦·里奇,都发生在过去12个月.

周二的专题讨论 Dr. 约翰科兰驰菲尔德Dr. 迈克尔里昂, who spoke on seeking God in the Old Testament during hard times. They emphasized the importance of rest, as well as the act of lamenting found in the book of Psalms.

“Lament is worship in a minor key,” Crutchfield said. “这不是发牢骚和抱怨, instead it’s bringing our pain to God, which in itself is an act of worship because we are admitting that He is the one that can help.”

This act of dependence in time of need specifically spoke to junior Vanessa Smith, a nursing major.

“I really appreciate where (Crutchfield) is coming from,” Smith explained. “It was very helpful to learn the biblical perspective on dealing with hard times 和 how God can work through that.”

Wednesday’s chapel, headed by the trio of Dr. 迈克尔·内勒, Dr. 马库斯Klausli他是神学院院长 & 心理咨询学院 Dr. 大卫Croteau, dove into the wisdom of the New Testament 和 how to combat suffering.

Naylor shared an encouraging message through Romans 8.

“There is this undercurrent throughout of God’s love 和 care for us, 不管我们面对什么, He loves us 和 His Spirit is present 和 interceding for us.”

Croteau shed some light on his personal experience with mental 和 physical suffering 和 reminded the audience of 2 Corinthians 1:3 和 to focus 和 lean on the Lord, “赐各样安慰的神”是谁呢.”

第二天, students took a break from classes 和 b和ed together in community worship 和 prayer, lifting up the prayer requests of fellow students 和 faculty that were collected throughout the week. The scene of students gathered together in prayer was a powerful one, the student-led worship produced a special type of energy. 

Shortly thereafter, a discussion panel consisting of psychology professor Dr. 葆拉·惠特克,以及咨询教授 Dr. 赛斯斯科特, Dr. 本杰明·马修, Dr. 格伦达奶奶, shared practical tips on coping with grief 和 loss.

The day could not have come at a better time, as the grief was compounded by an increased workload as midterms loomed ahead.

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With a list of prayer requests from fellow students before them, a circle of students gathered in the front of Shortess Chapel. (Photo by Jonathan McGaha, CIU Student Photographer)

With a list of prayer requests from fellow students before them, a prayer circle of students gathered in the front of Shortess Chapel. (Photo by Jonathan McGaha, CIU Student Photographer)