
这个深冬的星期五晚上,外面有点闷热. 寒冷多雨. 但在琼斯中心内部,一切都在熠熠生辉. It was decked out in beautiful, original artwork made by talented CIU

“一个私人的朋友和导师.” That’s how Columbia International University 临时总统. 里克·克里斯特曼(Rick Christman)描述了CIU即将上任的主席. 比尔·琼斯作为学生,教职员工

Curious students of various majors took time out after class to find out why “歌剧太棒了。.” The CIU Academic Success Center hosted the “歌剧太棒了。” workshop that was led by The Palmetto